About Stelzer Law
The office located at 363 Woolwich Street is a beautiful, historical building which is owned by Dr. Dennis Huffman, a Chiropractor who has served a vast clientele from the Guelph community and abroad. Dr. Huffman continues to occupy the building alongside the Stelzer Law Office. The building dates back to the late 1800’s and we have tried to preserve the historical ambiance of the building by maintaining the interior décor to compliment the building’s age.
My clients appreciate the atmosphere of the Office and it tends to put them at ease when addressing their often complicated issues.

Before Molly, my dog, Cindy-Lui, a Portugese Waterdog, was the resident “Office dog”. Cindy-Lui passed in May of 2016 and she is greatly missed. Molly is stepping into big paws in assuming Cindy-Lui’s position of importance as the Office mascot! Molly is an Australian Labradoodle, and she has a sweet disposition. The clients love Molly and she returns their affection. Her job while I meet with clients is to remain quiet in her kennel and then to come out and greet the clients. The importance of her job is not lost on Molly and although she is only one year old, I am confident that she will live up to Cindy-Lui’s former standards.

“New Team in Town”
That was the headline that ran in the Mercury when we opened our office (originally called “Smith & Stelzer Law Office” back in 1996. The women in the photograph formed a group of beautiful strong women who met as mature students at Osgoode Law School. We survived three grilling years of Law School, a year of articles, and the dreaded Bar Exams as a Team. The photograph was commissioned as we were all extremely proud of our accomplishments with our call to the Bar in 1993. Two of my associates, Carolyn Thomas and Marnie Smith were lost to illness. Tricia Sinclair, Jean Franklin-Hancher and Nancy MacIvor have now retired leaving Cheryl Stelzer to carry the flag for the group. I am proud of these roots.